
Your spiritual healing journey begins now.

Welcome, wise women!

I know you want to feel better.

Your heart and spirit are yearning for something more.

You want to feel more centered, grounded, and aligned with what matters most to you.

You’re having a spiritual awakening and want validation and guidance from someone who has walked the path and seen some things.

You want to know why you’re being called to spiritual work or exploration, and what that means for your life.

I am here to accompany you on your journey. Learn more about Dana.

My spiritual healing work is aligned with the Wise Woman tradition, which centers us in the connection between heaven and earth. The Wise Woman tradition honors natural cycles, energies, and rites of passage.

The Wise Woman tradition cultivates deep, enduring relationships with the Divine One, as well as our ancestors and guides in the spirit realm, trusting that we are unconditionally loved and supported in our life’s work and journey.

This ancient, sacred way of spiritual self-care empowers women like you to live from a place of strength, connection, and wholeness.

Women like you are under tremendous pressure to get it right, to lean in, to do and be all things to our careers, relationships, and families. Often this happens without the acknowledgement, care, and connection you need.

You are not meant to do this work without healing support, guidance, and community.

Reiki training, spiritual life coaching, and oracle card readings are my primary offerings, which are all accompanied by Reiki healing.

Please note: I currently have limited slots for clients to book 30 and 60 minute Reiki sessions.

I’ve been practicing Reiki for nearly two decades and it is the energetic and spiritual foundation that supports and inspires my work.

Interested in learning Reiki practice for self-care and spiritual growth?

I teach and practice Komyo ReikiDo, and have trained people all across the Southeast U.S. (and beyond!) in this elegant and profound healing art of traditional Japanese Reiki for nearly 15 years.

I also offer an online Reiki for Self-Care course with a focus on a simplified Reiki practice to help you take better care of yourself.

My online workshops and self-study courses enable you to deepen your exploration of spiritual practices and Reiki in an accessible and affordable format.

Learn to practice Reiki the traditional Japanese way

Discover the spiritual healing art of Komyo ReikiDo

Are you feeling a pull or a nudge from the universe to go further on your spiritual journey?

Reiki training offers you an accessible, supportive, and transformational path to get to know your True Self.

“Whatever is impelling us is rooted in a mystery. … Something new is being shaped that began before time itself was formed. We’re not causing it to happen. We’re letting it happen in us.” – William Martin

Reiki is a gentle, yet profound, healing art and spiritual practice that originated in Japan a century ago by a spiritual teacher and healer named Mikao Usui.

In my classes, I show you how you can easily bring Reiki spiritual healing into your life and tap into the abundant, life-sustaining energy all around us to help you deepen your connection to the abundant, life-sustaining energies of Heaven and Earth.

Reiki invites you to be more present for yourself and grounded in your energy and emotions so you can live with more gratitude, compassion, and purpose.

I teach all levels of Komyo ReikiDo, a true Japanese-style Reiki that presents this spiritual healing art as it was understood and commonly practiced in Japan in the 1930’s.

Komyo ReikiDo is Usui Reiki in form and practice, because it retains the concepts that originated in Japan with Mikao Usui and were transmitted forward via his successor, Chujiro Hayashi with very few “modern” updates.

I was certified as a Komyo ReikiDo Shihan (teacher who can teach other teachers) in 2010 by Hyakuten Inamoto, a Japanese Buddhist monk who lives in Kyoto, my direct teacher and founder of the system (see my story.)

I am the first fully qualified Shihan to practice and teach Komyo ReikiDo in the Southeast, and have been doing so regularly for over 10 years. I have sat for full Komyo ReikiDo training four times with Hyakuten Inamoto, also hosting him twice in Atlanta. 

I was also certified as a Reiki Master in 2006 in the Usui System of Natural Healing from Brad Dixon.

Why choose to train with me?

Teaching Reiki is one of my big joys in life and I am honored to share this practice with you.

Reiki is so much more than a technique or modality for hands-on healing. Reiki is a complete practice for personal well-being and spiritual growth that reconnects us with the miraculous and sacred energy of the universe.

Whether you are interested in learning Reiki as a personal practice for self-care, would like to eventually practice or teach Reiki professionally, I am here to mentor and accompany you on your journey. I have been teaching Reiki and facilitating workshops regularly since 2009.

What sets me apart from many other Reiki teachers is that my Reiki practice isn’t something I do as an add-on to my healing work, or something I occasionally enjoy sharing with other people.

Reiki is my primary spiritual and healing practice. My deep experience with Reiki practice benefits you directly because I have nearly two decades and thousands of hours of Reiki practice to draw from when I teach my classes.

As an experienced teacher, I offer the education, tools, and support to help you make the most of the practical and spiritual aspects of Komyo ReikiDo practice, including:

  • Official Komyo ReikiDo manuals
  • Group and individual mentoring
  • Video series to support your daily practice
  • Private community Facebook group
  • Private student practice days (online and in-person)
  • Continuing education workshops
Dana Young, Reiki Teacher and owner of Dragonfly Reiki with Hyakuten Inamoto, founder of Komyo ReikiDo
Dana Young, Reiki Teacher and owner of Dragonfly Reiki with Hyakuten Inamoto, founder of Komyo ReikiDo

What is Komyo ReikiDo?

Komyo ReikiDo is a complete system of traditional Japanese-style Reiki. Each level is meant to build upon each other in the context of a Japanese approach to spiritual healing, philosophy, and practice.

The purpose of Komyo ReikiDo is to strive for the improvement of mind and body through Reiki practice, to cultivate a healthy and peaceful life.

In Japanese, “do” means ‘a way, or a path’, especially in context with a spiritual training or practice. The emphasis of Komyo ReikiDo teachings have always been on Reiki practice as a pathway to healing and a ‘gateway to spiritual awakening’. Enhanced healing ability comes naturally when we grasp our innate connection to the Universe.

Komyo ReikiDo Levels

I welcome students from any lineage or level of practice. However, Komyo ReikiDo International requires that all students interested in learning Komyo ReikiDo must start at Level I (Shoden), regardless of previous training in other systems of Reiki. This is to ensure a full understanding of our approach to this spiritual healing art and practice.

Shoden (Level I): This introduction to Japanese-style Reiki teaches you the basics of hands-on healing to take better care of yourself, as well as caring for family and friends. You will be taught about the Reiki Precepts and how to use them; be introduced to Japanese spiritual concepts, spiritual lineage, and ancestral practice; and learn daily meditations to increase your vital energy. Shoden is taught throughout the year. Fee: $250

Chuden (Level II): This intermediate level teaches you traditional Japanese Reiki healing techniques utilizing 3 symbols and mantras for focusing energy, mental/emotional healing, and facilitating distance healing. You will also learn hands-on approaches for vital energy balancing and toxin release. As part of your training, you will also be introduced to energetic and meditative practices for your continued spiritual development. Chuden is taught several times a year.  Fee: $275

Okuden (Level III): This advanced level supports your inner growth as a Reiki practitioner, and introduces you to the deeper spiritual aspects of Reiki Ryoho. You will learn one additional symbol and mantra as a personal empowerment. This class completes all of the practitioner-level KRD training, which means you must maintain a consistent practice with Komyo ReikiDo to be eligible. Students must wait a minimum of 6 months after taking Chuden before taking this level. Okuden is taught once or twice a year. Fee: $375

Shinpiden (Level IV): This level is offered by invitation only for students who are serious about their Reiki practice and intend to teach Komyo ReikiDo. It takes a minimum of 2.5 – 3 years for students to complete the practitioner-level work necessary to qualify for teacher training. This is a path of personal commitment, deep practice, and spiritual growth. Once you are initiated into Shinpiden, you must complete a year-long apprenticeship with me before you are given permission to begin teaching Komyo ReikiDo.

Note: Like many other Japanese-style practices (martial arts, flower arranging, calligraphy) proficiency in practice and understanding of spiritual concepts must be demonstrated in order to advance to the next level of Komyo ReikiDo training.

Post-class practice exercises and assignments must be completed in order to receive certificates, and to be eligible to continue training at intermediate and advanced levels. My students also regularly re-sit for classes at a reduced fee to refresh their knowledge.

Questions about Komyo ReikiDo or how I teach Reiki? Contact me to schedule a free 15 minute introductory call to discuss your interest in learning Reiki.

Class Schedule

IMPORTANT: Please read registration and cancellation policy prior to signing up for class.


Komyo ReikiDo Shoden (Level I): WINTER 2025 DATES TBA

Komyo ReikiDo Okuden (Level III): Saturday, October 26, 2024 (10 AM – 6 PM) REGISTER HERE

Clearing & Clarity Coaching Sessions

Your spiritual journey begins with you.

How much better would you feel if your time and energy were devoted to things that give you more purpose and passion?

What it would be like to feel more empowered in your daily life, make decisions, and take action from a place of deep authenticity and connection to Spirit?

Would you like more guidance for your spiritual journey, including spiritual practices to support and nourish you?

Do you need help with creating sustainable self-care practices?

“Clearing and Clarity” Coaching 

My “Clearing and Clarity” coaching sessions are a deep dive into what’s on your heart and mind, with you coming out on the other side feeling refreshed, inspired, and unblocked.

You’ll gain the guidance, insight, and energy needed to take your next steps forward.

During our sessions, I help you listen for the movements of Spirit in your life and heart, so you can cultivate and deepen that connection.

“Clearing and Clarity” coaching sessions may include, but are not limited to: mindset work, intuitive guidance, oracle card readings, and guided meditations.

And of course, you will always receive Reiki healing to help your energy feel more balanced, vibrant, and grounded.

These sessions are ideal if you want a trusted guide to help you with clarity and discernment about an issue, or to offer additional support and healing for a life change you’re making.

Together, we will identify and validate the core values, needs, and goals that are most important to you. You will be invited and encouraged to:

  • Listen to and trust your inner voice
  • Take ownership of and nurture your gifts
  • Speak and live your truth
  • Affirm your spirituality as it aligns with your identity and body of culture

You will come away from your coaching session feeling lighter and with actionable steps you can take to move you forward on your path.

You can book sessions with me as needed, rather than signing up for a coaching package that requires regular commitment from you over a period of months. This allows you to approach your spiritual work at a pace that is right for your needs, rather than forcing you into a one-size-fits-all program. Accountability is still part of the plan whether we meet once a week or once a month.

My fee for “Clearing and Clarity” sessions are $195.

Book Now

Do you have questions about spiritual coaching, or want to ensure we’re the right fit?

Contact me to schedule a free 15 minute introductory call to see how we might work together. (We can also briefly chat via email or text if phone calls aren’t your thing.)

In my personal and professional life, I am committed to anti-racism. I am a mixed race Latina whose grandparents were from Puerto Rico. I affirm the LGBTQIA community. You are welcome and honored for who you are. My pronouns are she/her.

Dana’s qualifications

  • Certified Life Coach:  Life Coaching Skills Program (Rev. Dr. Carolyn Porter – instructor)
  • Certificate course: “Harvard Management Essentials” (via Harvard Business School online)
  • Spiritual Formation training, Columbia Theological Seminary
  • Spiritual Direction training, Columbia Theological Seminary

Note: Life coaching should not be a replacement for qualified medical or mental health care. Coaching can be a helpful addition to any therapeutic treatment or counseling you may be receiving to address other underlying concerns.

Reiki + Oracle Card Readings

What does Spirit have to say to you?

Oracle cards are one of my favorite tools for spiritual discernment because of their affirmative messages, positive energy, and beautiful symbolism. I’ve been working with oracle cards for many years now, and use them regularly for spiritual insight and guidance.

We all have spiritual gifts, and at least two of mine are clairvoyance, or clear seeing, and clairaudience, or clear hearing. From the time I was very young, I drew pictures, painted, and wrote poetry. So naturally, it is through words, images, and symbols where I am attuned to spiritual insight and intuitive guidance. My Reiki practice deepens and enhances these gifts.

I also come from a line of highly clairvoyant women on my mother’s side of the family.  Although I don’t know how exactly far back this line goes, I’ve been profoundly blessed by the psychic gifts I’ve inherited from my mother, aunt, and grandmother.

Growing up, it was normal for us to finish each other’s sentences, already know who was calling on the rotary phone (remember those?) when it was ringing, recall prophetic dreams, get a gut feeling about someone or a situation, and for better or worse, know who was making their transition.

Oracle cards are a visual bridge to the clairvoyant information I receive, which enables me to go deeper than even what the card images are showing.

The oracle card readings I have offered over the years to friends, family, and clients have been highly beneficial to those with whom I’ve shared them. Although I have a number of different oracle card decks, I often reach for my archangel oracle cards as a starting place for many of my readings. 

Which reading will you choose?

Angel Oracle Card Readings are accompanied by 30 minute Reiki healing sessions to support deeper healing, clarity, and energetic balance. I use a variation of the Sacred Circle spread to represent the different aspects of your past, present, and future and how they inform your spiritual journey and personal growth.

Angel Oracle Card Readings can be done in-office, or remotely via Zoom.

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Self-Actualization Oracle Card Readings are a more comprehensive reading that combines one of my standard oracle card decks (Angel Oracle Cards or Angels & Ancestors) with the Sacred Geometry Oracle Cards to examine the process of self-actualization moving through your life and how you are Becoming.

This reading enables you to receive intuitive guidance, support, and discernment for your spiritual journey and next steps. A reading is approximately 45 minutes, to allow time for the message and detailed discussion.

Self-Actualization Oracle Card Readings are only offered remotely via Zoom.

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Mini-readings are offered seasonally and for special astrological events. Follow me on Buy Me a Coffee and receive notifications when these are being offered. 

If you are struggling with finding a solution to a problem or are feeling like you need some guidance, consider an angel card reading + Reiki session from my powerful friend Dana Lisa Young.

Dana has a gift that can bring you a sense of peace and relaxation even in super tough times. The best part is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home. Keep Dana on your speed dial! She’s someone you want in your corner. – Lisa Sharp, Atlanta